Lou Osburn

Been strumming since I was a girl, and I still love it. Playing a ukulele invites smiles, evokes memories, and most of all makes me happy. I have played many instruments during my life. The piano is the basis for all musical learning, and I took lessons for 7 years when I was in elementary, middle and high school. I have played the autoharp, taken lessons on the viola, rang bells in a bell choir, sung in the high school glee club, and in a sextet (ala barber shop songs) and played in a ukulele band for 5 years. I chose the ukulele as the instrument on which I continue to learn and enjoy a musical gumbo of songs. From the back of a hayride evening around the campfire, to sophisticated hula songs, if it’s ukulele music-I just love it!
Keith Reyes

My hometown is Molokai, Hawaii. At the age of twelve, I attended Malahia Boys Camp. There was a ukulele instructor at the camp by the name of Nelson Waikiki. He taught basic chords without sheet music. Mr. Waikiki played and sang a song while the boys followed along with their ukulele. Therefore, I can't read music, but play by ear. As I grew up, I continued to learn ukulele by playing music for my mother's hula group. While serving in the military, I played ukulele for several Hawaiian groups from Japan to Germany to Oklahoma.
When I am not working at my business.....Hang Loose Auto Air....I am enjoying some of my other hobbies....playing volleyball, going fishing, raising chickens and riding my Honda Trike.
When I am not working at my business.....Hang Loose Auto Air....I am enjoying some of my other hobbies....playing volleyball, going fishing, raising chickens and riding my Honda Trike.
Ellen Stetson

Do you remember plastic ukuleles that were first popular around 1955? I loved mine the first time I heard its happy sound, imagining I was so cool. As a teen I saved money from a summer job to buy a Yamaha guitar, took piano lessons, and wanted to be the next Joan Baez. Self-taught in ukulele and guitar, I traveled with a college, all-girl folk singing group entertaining in Southern U.S. military bases during the Viet Nam Era, a transforming experience.
Fifty years later, a friend and luthier David Matthews invited me to join his band, The Strumdingers Ukulele Band. Reintroducing ukulele into my life was perfectly contagious, each instrument a work of art. I loved learning and watching faces light up as we played for audiences.
Friendships formed with other ukulele enthusiasts enrich my life, and the versatility of the “uke” is appealing. The global ukulele community amazes me, and attending festivals and concerts expands my appreciation of this unconditionally accepting, supportive and happy bunch of people. From beginners to masters, ukulele offers a level playing field for music lovers from all walks of life.
My husband Dale and I still carry my ukulele in our motorcycle trailer when we ride the U.S. It’s a seriously fun instrument that likes to go!
Fifty years later, a friend and luthier David Matthews invited me to join his band, The Strumdingers Ukulele Band. Reintroducing ukulele into my life was perfectly contagious, each instrument a work of art. I loved learning and watching faces light up as we played for audiences.
Friendships formed with other ukulele enthusiasts enrich my life, and the versatility of the “uke” is appealing. The global ukulele community amazes me, and attending festivals and concerts expands my appreciation of this unconditionally accepting, supportive and happy bunch of people. From beginners to masters, ukulele offers a level playing field for music lovers from all walks of life.
My husband Dale and I still carry my ukulele in our motorcycle trailer when we ride the U.S. It’s a seriously fun instrument that likes to go!
Glenda Collums

What fun being in a ukulele band! Who would have thunk it! Me...over 60 years old(oh, me!) playing and singing in a band much less a ukulele band!
I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but up until about five years ago all I ever attempted was the piano.....didn't stick with happens. Gumbo player and great friend, Lou Osburn, introduced me to the ukulele and the wonderful sound that comes from this small instrument.
My addiction to the ukulele has grown over the past few years. My friends and family will be happy to verify that fact! There are so many sizes, shapes, colors and sounds that it is hard to just own one ukulele. My wall is covered and I have lost count. Of course, I have my favorites and they get played the most!
Learning to play the ukelele has been added to my other hobbies of photography and gardening....among others. Life is good!
I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, but up until about five years ago all I ever attempted was the piano.....didn't stick with happens. Gumbo player and great friend, Lou Osburn, introduced me to the ukulele and the wonderful sound that comes from this small instrument.
My addiction to the ukulele has grown over the past few years. My friends and family will be happy to verify that fact! There are so many sizes, shapes, colors and sounds that it is hard to just own one ukulele. My wall is covered and I have lost count. Of course, I have my favorites and they get played the most!
Learning to play the ukelele has been added to my other hobbies of photography and gardening....among others. Life is good!
Ronny Collums

To hear my wife tell it, I am always making a noise of some sort. What can I say....I like to sing! Up until this point in my life, my only association with music, or a band, was helping a some friends set up their gear my first year in college. They encouraged me to learn the guitar, but you know how it goes....too many other things got in the way.
Learning to play the ukulele is really a challenge, especially with no musical training. It is really satisfying though when your fingers finally find the right strings to play a chord.
Since I retired from the phone company several years ago, I have taken up golf. That is my main hobby and I really love it although Glenda can't see my fascination with hitting a little white ball!
Learning to play the ukulele is really a challenge, especially with no musical training. It is really satisfying though when your fingers finally find the right strings to play a chord.
Since I retired from the phone company several years ago, I have taken up golf. That is my main hobby and I really love it although Glenda can't see my fascination with hitting a little white ball!
Susan Keith

I have been playing the ukulele since I was seven years old when I got my first one. The girl up the street taught me a few chords and I was on my way! Then...when I was thirteen, I broke my arm in the middle of my SPAR ukulele class. No problem....I just learned to play the uke across my lap!!
I took up guitar in middle school, but it just didn't do it for me. I returned to the uke on and off all of my life. As a teacher, I used the uke to assist my social studies lessons. We sang songs about the states and historic events, and then ended with a rousing chorus of Beatle songs! I now use the uke in Pet Education Program presentations in schools across the area.
I took up guitar in middle school, but it just didn't do it for me. I returned to the uke on and off all of my life. As a teacher, I used the uke to assist my social studies lessons. We sang songs about the states and historic events, and then ended with a rousing chorus of Beatle songs! I now use the uke in Pet Education Program presentations in schools across the area.
Rita Rodgers

I'm a retired teacher living in my hometown of Shreveport, but I spent most of my career living and teaching in Hawaii. I've been playing the ukulele since I was in high school, and my friend, Bill Bush, taught me my first chords. I had a tenor guitar in college, and loved folk music, but when I got to Hawaii and discovered the baritone ukulele, I knew I had found my instrument. I played the piano briefly as a child - alas, not much any more - but I still have my grandmother's piano.
In the early years I played from memory or the "show me how to play that" method. Eventually I learned to read the baritone chords and fell in love with Hawaiian music and hula. Over the years I played in my classroom, at school programs, at backyard parties and luaus and at the beach. Since I retired, I haven't had anybody to play music with, so I was thrilled and delighted to find Ukulele Gumbo. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would find a ukulele group in Shreveport!
When not strumming, I volunteer at the Centenary Book House and Book Bazaar, ride herd on my three cats and love books and reading.
In the early years I played from memory or the "show me how to play that" method. Eventually I learned to read the baritone chords and fell in love with Hawaiian music and hula. Over the years I played in my classroom, at school programs, at backyard parties and luaus and at the beach. Since I retired, I haven't had anybody to play music with, so I was thrilled and delighted to find Ukulele Gumbo. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would find a ukulele group in Shreveport!
When not strumming, I volunteer at the Centenary Book House and Book Bazaar, ride herd on my three cats and love books and reading.
Julia Adkins

"Got stress? Get a ukulele!" That's the advice I found in an article about how to beat stress four years ago. So I bought an inexpensive beginner's ukulele for $40. I had no idea how to play or even tune the thing. And then I went to the world's most forgiving teacher, YouTube. It wasn't too hard to learn the bare basics, and after a month or two, I knew I'd found the best stress-relief ever. As I was learning in those early days, stress melted away. I discovered that there is some kind of Magic in these little instruments--Magic that can very nearly fix whatever ails you! Now I play not for stress-relief, but for the sheer joy and happiness found in the four strings of the ukulele.
I teach high school--been teaching American History in Caddo Parish for 30 years. And yes, I take my uke to school and play between classes and on duty every single day. But when I play at school, it's not for stress relief. I'm very fortunate to teach at North Caddo Magnet High in Vivian, Louisiana, a great and happy school that has been showered with sweetness. I play the ukulele at my little school for the smiles it puts on the faces of the students and the staff, and for the simple joy it brings to me.
I teach high school--been teaching American History in Caddo Parish for 30 years. And yes, I take my uke to school and play between classes and on duty every single day. But when I play at school, it's not for stress relief. I'm very fortunate to teach at North Caddo Magnet High in Vivian, Louisiana, a great and happy school that has been showered with sweetness. I play the ukulele at my little school for the smiles it puts on the faces of the students and the staff, and for the simple joy it brings to me.
Mike Broussard
Our newest Gumbo Player is Mike Broussard. Check back soon for a photo of his smiling face and a little bit about him and his ukulele.